Accelleron Australia, joined Australia's biggest public fitness event to raise funds and awareness for mental health programs across the country. Our local team completed 3,249 push-ups in 24 days.
Supporting children’s futures
Accelleron Brazil, hosted a careers event for disadvantaged and at-risk 12- to 18-year-olds in Rio, opening their eyes to new possibilities.
Supporting children today
Accelleron Brazil, bought and delivered warm clothes to help some of Rio's vulnerable children.
Providing clean water
Accelleron Brazil, donated US$1,000-worth of clean drinking water to riverside communities affected by the worst drought in the Amazon's history.
Blood drive
Accelleron Bulgaria, organized a blood drive together with our partners at Odessos Shipyard, providing seven liters of potentially life-saving blood to local hospitals.
Protecting Yangtze River
Accelleron China, organized a clean-up along a stretch of the Yangtze River's banks, collecting more than 50 bags of discarded plastic and assorted waste.
Improving higher education
Accelleron China, partnered with Shanghai Maritime University to develop skills and talent, including donating a turbocharger cut-away model to enhance education for future engineers.
Supporting communities
Accelleron Dominican Republic, donated to and volunteered at a Christmas party for local families and children, with fun activities spreading joy during the holiday season.
Funding cancer care
Accelleron Dominican Republic, collected plastic caps to help fund chemotherapy for children with cancer.
Collecting for care
Accelleron France, delivered 200kg of clothes, toys and household supplies to Suricates Les Sentinelles Solidaires, which supports medical and social care for those in need.
BatiRun 2024
Accelleron France, collected school supplies for children and joined forces with local artisans to build a new classroom, which is now used by 30 students in their final year of high school.
Beach clean-up
Accelleron France, cleaned the beach at L'Estaque collecting 40 kg of waste to raise awareness about marine pollution.
Rebuilding forests
Accelleron Germany, planted trees and raised money to support reforestation project Aktion Baum.
Autism care
Accelleron Greece, pledged support to Megalochari, a day care center for children with autism, to help sustain its services and impactful work.
Supporting science
Accelleron India, launched STEM labs and smart classrooms at two local schools in partnership with urban youth charity YUVA Unstoppable.
Giving blood
Accelleron India, joined forces with the Red Cross to collect 14.7 liters of blood from 42 donors, helping children suffering from the blood disorder thalassemia.
Restoring green spaces
Accelleron India, collected more than 13kg of discarded waste and watered 75 trees and plants across a 125,000sq ft site.
Supporting amputees
Accelleron India, joined forces with The Amputee Association of India Trust, Vadodara to provide high-tech artificial limbs to individuals with disabilities.
Banking blood
Accelleron Indonesia, partnered with the Indonesian Red Cross to conduct a blood drive, with 34 participants supporting 19 people who donated 6.65 liters.
Coral restoration
Accelleron Indonesia, continued our collaboration with Surabaya-based charity to revive underwater forests and breathe new life into coral reefs.
Clothes for families
Accelleron Italy, delivered almost 55kg of clothes to Veneranda Compagnia della Misericordia, which supports families in need.
Food drive
Accelleron Italy, partnered with the Veneranda Compagnia di Misericordia for a food drive, resulting in the collection of 297kg of supplies for those in need.
Blood donation
Accelleron Italy, organized a blood donation drive, collecting 2 liters of blood and offering a life-saving resource to the community of Naples.
Elderly mobility
Accelleron Italy, donated a vehicle to the local community to facilitate transportation to medical treatments for elderly, vulnerable and disabled individuals.
Earthquake relief
Accelleron Japan, donated supplies to Shiga town following an earthquake that displaced several families and severely disrupted local life and essential services.
Community gardening
Accelleron Japan, participated in a community event to plant flowers over an area of approximately 500 meters, improving the local environment.
Cleaning neighborhoods
Accelleron Japan, participated in monthly clean-ups in Yokohama, with our team collecting around 10 bags of refuse each time.
Removing waste
Accelleron Japan, at a biannual clean-up organized by Hyogo Prefecture, we joined more than 100 people from 20 companies to collect around 30 bags of waste.
Roadside litter picking
Accelleron Japan, organized a clean-up along a local road, collecting two bags of refuse.
Cleaning riversides
Accelleron Japan, cleaned a riverside pedestrian way, collecting three bags of discarded waste.
Planting trees
Accelleron Pakistan, organized tree planning at Lahore Service station, with 18 volunteers planting a total of 50 citrus, guava and mousehole trees.
Promoting well-being
Accelleron Philippines, partnered with Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish's Balik Handog program to provide hygiene kits and school supplies to 100 children.
Solar pump project
Accelleron Senegal, supported the village of Keur Madiouf in accessing water from a 30 meter deep well, providing clean water for drinking, laundry and animal care.
Food drive
Accelleron Singapore, joined forces with a local charity to sort, pack and distribute essential supplies to twice as many vulnerable households as in the previous year.
Food and hygiene
Accelleron South Africa, donated more than 150 food parcels and hygiene packs to a charity assisting children and families from an underprivileged community.
Litter picking
Accelleron South Korea, supported a plogging – litter picking and jogging – event for a local community center, removing a total of five liters of refuse in Daecheong-Dong.
Spreading sustainability
Accelleron South Korea, shared knowledge about decarbonization, green fuels and turbochargers at a graduate student event at Korea Maritime & Ocean University.
Supporting education
Accelleron South Korea, organized a graduate student event attended by 40 students at Mokpo National Maritime University, highlighting sustainability technologies in shipping.
Food bank collection
Accelleron Spain, organized a non-perishable food collection campaign in collaboration with the Madrid Food Bank, collecting items for distribution to those in need within the community.
Clean-up drive
Accelleron Switzerland, joined forces with the city of Baden to assist with the cleaning of the city.
Blood donation
Accelleron Switzerland, planned an on-site blood donation event.
Child care collection
Accelleron Taiwan, partnered with the Child Care Center Cihui Garden to donate essential supplies, including 110 food items, 63 toiletries, 80 washbasins and 8 boxes of medical supplies.
Fighting hunger
Accelleron Thailand, provided lunches for local students struggling to afford food.
Food bank
Accelleron The Netherlands, donated food items to Voedselbank Rotterdam, which provides essential support to those in financial difficulty.
Supporting hospitals
Accelleron The Netherlands, joined a cycling event to raise funds for children with immune system diseases, supporting Erasmus MC Sophia children’s hospital.
Fighting cancer
Accelleron The Netherlands, supported a customer participating in ‘Tour for Life’, a cycling event organized by the Erasmus MC Foundation to raise funds for cancer research.
Beach clean-up
Accelleron Turkey, cleaned the seashore in Suadiye, collecting 46.5kg waste and 900 cigarette ends – and raising awareness of looking after the local environment.
Cleaning the desert
Accelleron UAE, volunteered in a desert clean-up together with Dubai Municipality, collecting over 70kg of waste in 40 bags to raise awareness of waste impacts and desert cleanliness.
Supporting hospice care
Accelleron UK, raised money for donations to several hospices and cancer charities, including Severn Hospice, Hope House and Cancer Research UK.
Community support
Accelleron UK, helped those in our local community in need of basic food items and hygiene products, donating around 300 items.
Meal kits
Accelleron USA, sorted 20 pallets of donations for families in need of assistance, with 480 boxes equating to more than 10,000 meals.
Park cleaning
Accelleron USA, removed 8m³ of harmful vine weeds and 115 gallons of refuse from Briscoe Park in Kent City, Washington, supporting the preservation of a green community resource.
Seafarer support
Accelleron USA joined forces with Seafarers’ House of Port Everglades to donate and assemble more than 100 personal care packages for hard-working seafarers.
Mercy Ships support
We provided free working hours service engineers allowing them to re allocated their budget to their core activities.
Provide essentials after earthquake in Turkey
The local unit in Turkey provided basic winter equipment, food and construction supply after earthquake.
Collaborations with universities in China
Our experts lecture in Dalian and Shanghai universities.
Trees planting in India
Planting trees in and around the facility and each employee had 1 tree being given for planting at their private house.
Beach clean up in Miami
Miramar team organized a beach clean up
Waste collection in Italy
Italy LU collected waste in a natural area
Clean-up activity at HAT Kobe area
Clean up activities at HAT Kobe ( 26 employees) collecting 20 bags of trash
Donation to Arwo in Baden
Collected funds and give it to ARWO, a local foundation that provides 120 residential places and 280 work and training places for people with mental or multiple impairments.
Beach clean up in Philippines
Beach clean up in Philippines . Collection of bags of trash by our 22 employees and partnership with a local NGO
Coral restoration in Indonesia
Promoting the development of sustainable communities in Ecuador
Plastic sold for ambulance in Bulgaria
Collection of plastic cup and sold to plastic recycler. Collected money has been given to “I believe and help” to finance its core activities.
Water borehole in Cameroon
Cameron LU organized the construction of a drinking water borehole for a village of 150 inhabitants.
Children project in Brazil
Covering a portion of the bills of local NGO who then was able to re allocate budget to their core activity
Water access in Senegal
Senegal LU organized and financed the construction of a solar water pumping project in a remote desertic area in the village of Belel Gadialy
Shoes donation - South Africa
LU purchasing and handing over school shoes to underprivileged primary school children attending Happy Valley Primary School ( 115 boy ans 99 girls)