Stefano Pampalone

Member of the Board of Directors, member of the Audit Committee, elected in July 2022, is an Italian citizen born in 1967.

Binding interest¹: Agriculture Chief Commercial Officer at CHNI International.

Stefano Pampalone is Agriculture Chief Commercial Officer at CNH. He has global responsibility for the agriculture segment’s commercial strategy, brand and aftermarket activities. He also serves ad interim as President, EMEA. He joined CNH in 1999 and has covered strategic leadership roles globally and regionally, including country manager of India from 2011 to 2013, before becoming COO of Asia Pacific Region and subsequently President of the Construction equipment segment. He holds a Master of Business Administration from Profingest Management School (now Bologna Business School) and a bachelor’s degree in Engineering from University of Trieste.



¹ “Binding interests” describes activities on management and supervisory bodies of major organizations and/or permanent management or advisory functions for important interest groups, in accordance with the SIX Directive on information relating to corporate governance.