Oliver Riemenschneider

Chairman of the Board of Directors, elected in July 2022, is a Swiss and German citizen born in 1962.

Binding interests¹: Chairman of the Board of Directors of V-Zug AG, Senior Advisor at Consenec.

Oliver Riemenschneider was previously a senior vice president at ABB, where he led ABB’s Turbocharging division for 11 years, including the transition to an independent entity, Accelleron Industries AG. After working as consultant at Zoller AG and being self-employed, he joined ABB Turbo Systems AG in Switzerland in 1991 and since then has held several different management positions within ABB, predominantly in its Turbocharging division. He holds a master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from ETH Zurich and a Master of Business Administration degree from the City University, Bellevue, Washington, USA.



¹ “Binding interests” describes activities on management and supervisory bodies of major organizations and/or permanent management or advisory functions for important interest groups, in accordance with the SIX Directive on information relating to corporate governance.