Monika Krüsi

Vice-Chair of the Board of Directors, Chair of the Audit Committee, member of the Nomination and Compensation Committee, elected in July 2022, is a Swiss and Italian citizen born in 1962.

Binding interests¹: Chair of the Board of Directors of the Repower group, member of the Board of Directors of Ascom and Energie 360°, partner at MKP Consulting.

Before joining McKinsey & Co, where Monika Krüsi worked for nine years before becoming a partner at Venture Incubator Partners in 2001, she started her career as an auditor and tax consultant. Since 2003, she is a partner at MKP Consulting which serves mostly industrial and network clients in strategic and supply chain questions. Monika Krüsi holds a PhD in Business Informatics and an MBA degree from the University of Zurich, Switzerland.



¹ “Binding interests” describes activities on management and supervisory bodies of major organizations and/or permanent management or advisory functions for important interest groups, in accordance with the SIX Directive on information relating to corporate governance.